Our Hearts Are Still and Always With Those in Puerto Rico

Posted: December 17, 2017

Happy 30th anniversary, Mylan Puerto Rico!

You are part of Puerto Rico’s proud tradition of pharmaceutical manufacturing, and your quality products help deliver better health in the U.S. and Canada – and as far away as Japan. The extra care and attention required to make the important products you do – for conditions such as cancer, autoimmune disorders and diabetes – calls for an exceptional team. I have no doubt that the many patients who use your products deeply appreciate your commitment to excellence.

Be assured that even as you have stayed selflessly focused on serving others, Mylan has been doing its part to help people on the long road to recovery from Maria. Among other things, we’ve donated essential Mylan-made medicines. We’ve provided direct financial assistance to colleagues whose homes were destroyed. We chartered a 737 Boeing cargo aircraft that carried more than 36,000 pounds of essential items such as chainsaws and generators for our Caguas team members.

In addition, right after the storm, we opened our facility’s doors to members of the Mylan family and to people in the surrounding community, offering much-needed food, water and other assistance.

Healing and rebuilding will take time, and Mylan will be there to help.